Anatoliy Knyazev is known in the financial world as the co-founder and executive director of Exante, an international premium broker that originated back in 2011. Anatoliy is the father of the most profitable bitcoin hedge fund, as well as a master, bachelor, experienced system programmer and trader. He has a background in stock and derivatives trading, establishing a cryptocurrency fund and studying blockchain technology.

Early years and studies
At a young age, Anatoliy exhibited an aptitude for mathematical analysis. At school, he was fond of complex calculations and sciences. After graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Computer science. After graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. He has actively studied programming and statistics, and has succeeded in science. Anatoliy Knyazev has a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science. In the mid-2000s, Anatoliy got acquainted and became friends with like-minded Alexey Kiriyenko and studied financial markets together as traders. As a pair, Knyazev and Kirienko traded stocks and securities, gradually learning the algorithms of global financial trading, including derivatives.
Financial World
Anatoliy Knyazev has always been very interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. His acquired skills in mathematics, statistics and programming have found wide application in practice in algorithmic trading. Anatoliy Knyazev's achievement is the creation of the most profitable bitcoin hedge fund in financial history. He himself says that it was his great interest in numbers that brought him into the financial world.
"Stock markets seemed to me a global playground where some smart guys tried to get money from other smart guys," says Anatoliy Knyazev in one of his interviews. But unlike the game, there could be no randomness there, as people's actions decided everything. And they could be both rational and irrational, but in any case the intellect was fighting with another intellect.
Working as a trader
Anatoliy started his trading career with a course on Forex trading. They taught technical analysis of trading, but, according to Knyazev, no one could explain how it worked. Anatoliy successfully passed the course and received a certificate, but he preferred to study other approaches and eventually came to the stock market. "Technical analysis does not work, because nobody has proved the opposite", says Anatoliy Knyazev. He calls the trade analysis course an amusing story that made him think about the role of a trader.
Mastering the financial market
With his like-minded friend and future partner Alexei Kirienko, Knyazev tried to find patterns in market behaviour, that is, in statistical arbitrage. In 2008, the guys got into online trading and earned a good income by working with futures on global indices - the S&P500 and FTSE. It was the best year for the partners. Volatility was high then, and the income was 40% a month.
Thanks to his professionalism in the field of cybernetics and computer science, Knyazev succeeded in trading and became a professional trader. But Anatoliy and his associates were attracted to more serious and global things, simple investing became uninteresting to them. Knyazev and Kirienko started studying neural networks and correlation analysis and their application to time series in the world of finance. They built infrastructure, wrote software, assembled connectors to exchanges, and gradually became recognized in the financial market. Traders were interested in the possibility of using new infrastructure to work with the market. So the software compiled by Anatoliy Knyazev and Alexey Kirienko for their own use in trading on exchanges acquired a completely different purpose and scope.
Work on software
Anatoliy Knyazev is an expert in cybernetics and software. While combining his work in trading, he managed to work as a lead developer in several IT companies at once. These included the international company Netcracker Technology Corp. - a provider of Business Support Systems (BSS), operations, and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Anatoliy has built up a strong expertise in software and software development there. Later this led to the creation of Exante trading platform, which has no analogues in the world and which gives technological superiority to the prime broker with the same name.
Broker Exante
The decision to create brokerage business partners came by itself. In 2011 Exante, a brokerage platform now known around the world, was born. The connections made by Anatoliy Knyazev with global partners, banks and brokers helped to gather a whole base of counterparties. They were immediately interested in the new product with its unique software and platform providing access to more than 100000 financial instruments in the world's most liquid markets. The offer is also attractive and unique due to the fact that there is a single account for the client.
Exante is an advanced product developed by professionals who used the most advanced technologies. Exante brokerage company was registered in Malta, at present time it has licenses of Malta, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Great Britain. The company has more than 1 billion dollars in assets and more than 7000 accounts, and every year its continuous growth is observed.
Exante offers the customer:
full brokerage service;
a unique trading platform;
stock exchange instruments - stocks, bonds, futures, options;
OTC instruments - forex, currency pairs, precious metals, derivatives.
Anatoliy Knyazev today
Currently, Anatoliy Knyazev is a welcome guest at global financial conferences and in the studios of respected financial publications. He acts as an expert and lecturer on cryptocurrency dynamics and evolution of crypto-exchanges, shares his observations on development of financial trends and blockchain technology. With his help, major investors trade in more than 50 global financial markets.